9 Signs To Know When A Good Woman is Done with You

1. She created a bubble.

When a good woman decides to leave her boyfriend, she doesn't do so lightly. But you can bet your life that she will depart when she makes up her mind to do so.

However, it's not always feasible for her to depart immediately. If she feels, for instance, that she has nothing to lose and that she is trapped in a bubble, she will create one to keep herself sane until things improve for her.

Stated differently, she isolates herself and closes off the world around her.

This is evident when she becomes less sensitive to the things that used to irritate her. For instance, perhaps you used to always get into fights after drinking and returning home. But as of late, all she does is shrug and act as like she didn't notice anything.

2) She gives up.

This is comparable to her bubble, although it resembles a hard metal shell more.

When you get into a fight, she pulls down this metal covering.

She becomes silent when you ask her to speak because you can tell something is off.

She won't say anything since she thinks you'll ignore her and defend yourself once more.

She won't say anything because she thinks that if she does, her resentment of you will gradually lessen.and this is not what she wants. She left you because she wanted to be furious with you, and she wants to stay angry with you.

She has done this often in the past, and nothing has changed, so in the end, she won't say anything.
3) She no longer experiences jealousy
You can tell whether a girl is still in love with you even if it seems like you're bored with each other if she still gets jealous when you go out with other girls.

She's done if she used to get jealous easily and now doesn't care who you're with or when you arrive home.
She would rather put her own needs first than spend any more time worrying about you with someone else.

4) She no longer rescues people the way she once did.
Your girl is a unique individual. Even on her busiest days, she used to always be there for you.

She used to tell you how difficult your day was and then gladly meet up with you after work. She would also be happy to offer you a few dollars if you needed them.

Right now? Even when she's just at home watching Netflix, she doesn't even try to console you. She also no longer has any money to lend you.

She might not be gone forever, but she is essentially over you.

4) She is now a totally different person.

Her regimen, hairstyle, and hobbies have all been redesigned by her.and her preferences for movies and music as well.

This is a common occurrence in healthy relationships, but what sets this one apart is the sense that you are not traveling with her.

She doesn't tell you that she's having a haircut or tell you about her new interests.

A lady who is over you wouldn't desire to be someone else while she is still in love with you. If ending things is still hard for her, this is her method of withdrawing from you.

5) She would seize the opportunity to be apart from you.

Even if she wants to leave you, it would be difficult for her to formally make the decision since a wonderful woman is sometimes too kind to hurt your feelings.

But if she used to be clinging but now she wants to be alone, you may tell she's checked out emotionally.

She would gladly accept any request to stay away from you, even if it came from someone she doesn't particularly like.

Even though her family isn't really nearby, she would go see them more frequently.

6) In the relationship, she has taken a passive role.

In a relationship, a good woman usually takes the initiative. She typically handles the preparation, upkeep of the relationship, cleaning, and other tasks necessary for a successful partnership.

Women typically find it difficult to become apathetic and lethargic in relationships, so when they do—especially if they display any of the other symptoms on this list—they won't stick around for very long.

7) She gives up on attempting to win you over.

A good lady will strive to improve herself when she falls in love with you, making you glad to be in her relationship.

When she quits doing the things that used to make you happy, you can tell this is happening. 

and when she gives up on you thinking anything about her.

9) She isn't afraid to harm you

A good lady would stop at nothing to keep you safe and happy when she loves you. But she doesn't care once she's moved on from you.

She would actually not stop talking cruel things to you.

This is due to her belief that it is unjust that despite her intense affection for you, you did not reciprocate her feelings.

She's finished. After going through her grief process, she is now certain that she must put herself first at all costs.

Even if she knows what she's saying could hurt you, she will still say it. She would also do everything she pleased.

She's over being the responsible one and the decent guy, and she won't hesitate to tell you so.

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