woman narrates how she attempted to marry another man in presence of her husband

DRAMA erupted in the Choma Local Court, Wednesday, when a 22-year-old høusewife from Pangwe area narrated how she took another män to her parents’ house for mårriage intrøductions while märried to someone else.

This is in a case in which Rectenant Mweetwa, a 28-year-old Teacher from Choma’s Mandala Village sued 30-year-old Rascal Mwanandima, a Deacon in the Seventh Day Adventist Church, demanding K20, 000 for sleeping with his wîfe on two occasions.

Mweetwa narrated to the Court that his wife, Rosemary Mazala, had asked for permission to visit her mother in Kamunza township but came to discover that the main intention was to introduce her new lover to them.

In his defence, Mwanandima said Mazala lied to him that she was not legally married but had just eloped with Mweetwa, adding that he was charged a bride price of K5, 500 by the lady’s parents.

Giving their account, mother to the lady, Ireen Siankondo and the uncle, Jack Ngoma, stated that Mweetwa never paid bride price for their child, hence the reason they welcomed the Deacon.

However, Mweetwa who produced paper evidence, insisted that he legally married Mazala and paid bride price to the parents, with only a minimum balance remaining.

In passing the ruling, Magistrate Stanley Hankanga seating together with Martin Siame, dismissed the claim for K20,000 by Mweetwa as his wife lied to Mwanandima about her marital status.


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